Company Information
・The origin and meanings of this company
TASKMATE is created with "TASK"& "MATE"
"TASK" mainly means micro work but we carry out each task with
integrity and sincerity.
"MATE" literally means "MATE". Normally, we are seen
as "MATE" of a group of people working in the same company, but
we think that we will cooperate with each other as "MATE" including
suppliers and customers.
Also, "MATE" includes the sound of "EIGHT", which means
infinity in Japan.
・About the logo
"T"&"M"in the middle are "TASKMATE" as
you imagine
There are three rabbits and the back shows a full-moon.
・Why are there rabbits?
The first reason is that the zodiac of Imai, the representative, is the
year of the rabit.
The second reason is that it is an auspicious animal.
Rabits are considered auspicious in the following ways;
・Big ears brign good luck
Collect good information
Represents positivity and action. Also, it changes a normal year into a
year of leaps and bounds.]
・Good at hill roads
Rabbits with short fron legs and long hind legs are good at climing steep
mountain roads.
"Even in the face of steep difficulties, you will run up lightly."
・Can only move forward
"Every TASK wil go ahead!"
・Run fast
Hares can run at speeds of 60km/h, and some species can run at speeds of
70km.h or more. It is faster than Usain Bolt, the fastest human being.
We can get job done quickly.
・Descendants prosperity
We think that the company will produce good employees.
More than that, you may find more if you search the internet, I hope you
understand that rabbits are auspicious.
Then why three?
This is "Good seller", "Good buyer", "Good society".
This is because the company's policy is the "three-way good"
of the famous Omi merchants.
We wanted to be a company that would be of use not only to our company
but also to our business partners and society as well